Sunday, November 04, 2007

Pats won...

And The Pats won...

won??? they proved to me that they are not as good or as godly as everyone think they are.

And the Colts Lost...
Lost? They proved that they are not just as good as they always knew they were, but they also play at the very same level as the Patriots.

I don't take anything from the Patriots victory.
But they could have as easily lost this game, and it wouldn't be anything far fetched or extraordinary.
Which shows that the Colts can win against New England.
And makes New England look more human, and not as good as they seemed to be for the 8 games prior to this one. After all, now they had some competition.

It will be interesting to watch them get back at it comes playoff time :)

Because now people will give more respect to the Colts, and New England won't look like the undefeatable team they looked up until now.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

New NBA season

So the new season of the NBA is about to begin.
And everyone is picking the Spurs to be champs...
I really don't know why.
We all saw last season how they almost lost to the Suns. And how they cheated their way to win the series.
And they got lucky the Mavs were never a factor due to their unexpected loss last year.
That besides the fact that a one man team won the eastern conference, something that is not likely to happen again.

My prediction for the 4 finalists are:
Boston & Bulls on East
Suns & Mavs on West

Either can win. I bet it will be the winner of the west, but just because Bulls are too young and Boston just got their players together this season, while Suns & Mavs are the same team they were 2-3 seasons ago with some minor tweaks. Well that is if the Matrix stays in Phoenix. but I hope he will. At least for this run. Unless, of course, he is traded for Kobe, but I don't see it happening; although Kobe&Nash would be other-worldly to watch...

Let the games begin!

Cleaning DVR - And Ode to Jolie.

As my trip to Brazil approaches, I find the need to clean my DVR for the scheduled series I am currently watching.

So I was cleaning my DVR, and decided to watch a movie I recorded by mistake.

It was Tomb raider, with Angelina Jolie.

Man, I am ashamed to say that the only thing i really watched was Angelina's boobs. I simply couldn't look away.

Well, of course we all understand that the movie was filmed with that in mind.

The movie should really be called "an ode to Angelina's boobs". Loose the scenes where she is not in, and add more close-ups of her chest.

For they are divine. We all saw its power.

It even took Brad Pit from Jennifer Aniston. And she's an A beau.

So I gotta concede that Angelina has it. I was powerless against it.

Needless to say that I wanted to delete the film (after watching it) and then the last scenes (of her running out of the cave) came up, and then my fingers did not obey my brain's order to press delete.

No matter if I have no space left. Some things you just can't fight against.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Super bowl weekend

I like football.

I don't follow week by week, but I like to watch it sometimes. Mostly playoffs, and of course, the Super Bowl.

So 2 weeks ago, after watching the Colt's decimating New England's defense, I told my wife I would be out of commission this Sunday for Super bowl. She would have to watch the kids, and take care of things.

Last Saturday came, and I told her again that on Sunday I would be watching the super bowl. I even gave her the schedule, so she would know the time it starts and ends.

Come Sunday Morning, she tells me she wants to go to the mall. I say Fine (i knew I would have to pay a price, let the mall be it). We all go to the mall by 13:00hs. We shop, have lunch and walk a while. We are back about 16:00 and I think "Good. I am off the hook now".

17:00 I start watching the pre-game show. Beers are flowing, I am eating Tostitos and all is good.

17:50 she comes in the room and announces that she wants to give my daughter a bath. And I have to take care of my son meanwhile.

Now, Super bowl is just about to start. My son did not nap in the afternoon (because we went to the mall). So he is moody and tired.

I asked why the hell she waited until now to tell me that, and she said she told me before (She said she wanted to give my daughter a bath, but never mentioned that it would be that Sunday, and that it would be right at the time of super bowl). I am fucking pissed now.

She can't see the point.

She goes up to give my daughter a bath. I stay with my son, trying to play with him so he would not cry. He starts crying just about the kick off. I cannot hear the TV, and I barely see the bears returning the ball for a touchdown (The Colts, as usual, like to play with our hearts).

She comes back by mid-first quarter. I went back to the TV room.

In my mind, there's no excuse for this. She knew I wanted to watch it. She had the schedule and all.

One could argue that I am the kid's father and I have my obligations.

To that, I reply: I know that. By the end of the second quarter, it was about time for my wife to go up with my son to give him a bath and put him to sleep (it was her day), and I stayed with my (now clean) daughter.

I took care of her while my wife was busy with my son. I gave her a bottle, make her burp and put her to sleep. I don't mind that at all. I knew it was coming, and it does not bother me.

Oh well, super bowl is over. Colts won in the very Colts fashion (They go down, and then play through it to win the game) and I guess it could be worse.

But i just think that wives could be more understanding on the few things we ask them.

Super bowl is once a year. And I don’t think it is asking too much of her to leave me be for ONE afternoon a year.

Friday, December 08, 2006

The Devil is dead!!! Oh, no… wait…

OK, so by now you are aware my Mother in law (a.k.a. the devil) is staying with us to “help” us with our newborn daughter.

She goes to sleep everyday by 8:30pm.
She sleeps most afternoons (siesta).

Anyway, she generally stays with my son while I go to work, and my wife is sleeping (she sleeps until later, as she wakes up during the nights for my daughter).

One day I go downstairs with my son, after one more sleepless night.
I don’t know why, but he really hates changing diapers when he wakes up. So he screams, cries and complains all the way while I am changing him.

By then, generally, my mother in law is awake and takes the lead into serving him his breakfast while I prepare my coffee and leave.
Today however, no dice.

I Call her name a couple of times and sit my son in his high-chair. Nothing.
I prepare his food and call her once more, louder, but nothing.

I think to myself “Fuck. I’ll going to be late”.

I finish up giving my son’s breakfast, and by then I am worried. I mean he does makes a lot of noise while eating (we play a lot and he laughs, screams and bangs his toys around), and we are very close to her bedroom. But not a sound comes from her bedroom.

I start getting worried. I mean, last thing I need is to go upstairs and tell my wife her mom died while sleeping in our house.
1000 things goes through my mind. Funeral, shipping the corpse to her sons, calling each one of my brothers and sisters in law and tell the bad news, how to help my wife through these times, etc…

So I put my son in the living room, turn on the TV and setup “Baby Einstein” for him to watch and I get to the bedroom’s door.
I call her name again twice, in loud voice.
Nothing. I move to open the door and all of a sudden I hear “I am awake! I am awake!!”.

She says she overslept and did not hear me calling.

Now I am fucking late and she did not die. I am pissed.
I make my coffee and go to work.

Thinking back, I think now I know why she sleeps so much.
She sleeps in my living room in the afternoons.
Probably by night, she goes back to hell to do whatever she does there. This morning, she run late in her work in Hell. When she heard me calling, It probably took her some time to raise from hell and to morph into human shape again (so she would speak).

A man can’t get a break!!!

Party time!!! Wait!!! Forgetaboutit!!!

Yesterday night was my company’s holiday’s party.
We would go while my Mother in Law (a.k.a. the devil) would take care of the kids.
By 7:30, my wife shows up and she’s ready to go.
She tells me to put my son to sleep and get ready so we could go.
I was hoping the mother in law would do that, but apparently she is afraid of giving my son a bath (you know the devil does not like water).
So I say ok to my wife. But I ask her to help me after I bathe him, so I could shower too while she helps.
The reason I asked for help is because his bedroom is close to our bathroom, so I cannot go shower right after putting him to sleep.
We let him sleep on his own now. So we read him a story and put him in bed. He mostly cries for 3-5 minutes and then goes to sleep. However, this is because he is in the upstairs bathroom, and we stay downstairs. If he would see/hear us, he would cry for us to go pick him us (and stay with him until he sleeps).

Anyway. That is why I asked for her help.
She tells me “I can’t”.
So I ask her “until when?”
She goes off with “Until I see the doctor! Why? Do you think I don’t want to do it? What about my cut (it was cesarean) ? I can have him sit on it. How can I raise him?.........and on, and on, and on….”
I was like: “Hey! That’s not what I meant!”
But by then she was already “I am not going tonight! Now I have a bad mood. I will not be able to smile. You ruined it!”

Now, I can understand she misinterpreted me. But If I tell her I am sorry and that’s not what I meant, how come this is still my fucking fault???

She goes upstairs and takes off her clothes and put her pajamas instead.
I get my son to the shower, and check on her after his bath, and she is crying, looking in the mirror.
I told her: "All this time you are looking into the mirror. I asked for your help while I showered so we could go. You could do it instead of crying. But you prefer to do nothing and cry in self-pity for something I did not mean to do or to say and still you feel sorry for yourself."

She then comes to help me with my son and say "Go get your shower". I tell her "will we go to the party?" She replies "No". Then I tell her "So I can handle it myself".

I put him to sleep while she goes back downstairs.
We did not speak for the rest of the night.

I ate cornflakes instead of a fine buffet. Have a Great holidays everyone!!! Mine started with a bang!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Good news

My daughter was bourn last week (thus the lack of time to post).
I will try to update here with news soon.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ranting on...

After my July 17th experience with my wife, I’ve learned that women are not all that high on teaching The bad (but necessary) steps to teach my son to sleep on his own.
I had the same experience this week, while ridding my son of the pacifiers.
I spoke with a buddy of mine over IM. And while I was telling him how I felt; I though that this "rant" was perfect to post it here. So, for your entertainment, to judge and to think about it...

See below the IM's and enjoy (names were removed for obvious reasons)

Buddy: ata boy man!
Buddy: dude take all the control away from the wife
ME: I do. that's why my son improves.
ME: But she gets me so pissed sometimes, man
Buddy: i feel for you
Buddy: why does she fight you on everything?
ME: it is frustrating to have to endure you kid crying, but i remind myself that it is for the best for him. Then comes the wife and starts saying I just like to make rules, and there's no need to make the baby cry. It's like I do this things because I like to see him suffer.
Buddy: tell the wife that the world is full of don't always get what you want
ME: it fucking pisses me off. Not just I have to endure my son suffering, but also her veiled criticism
Buddy: My wife is the same
Buddy: she is a weak parent man
ME: but that is utterly Bullshit. He will never get rid of the pacifier nor sleep on his own if he is not put to it. And why would him? That was the only way he knew of...
Buddy: right
Buddy: dude
Buddy: My son ain't your friend
Buddy: he is your son....your responsibility
ME: and the funny thing is that he took it like a man, did not cry nor complain. Nowadays he does not care about it anymore.
ME: I think is that my wife looks at the easy way out. The convenient to give him a pacifier when he cries to soothe him. Rather than help him get rid of it...
Buddy: right. Why work at it?
ME: exactly. Like when he misbehaves. She screams at him to stop. I was like... you need more patience with him. First of all, he does not understand the scream. Second, most of the times he can't even connect the bad behaviour to be the reason you scream. And mostly, he was just playing like he always does. He does not know that now mommy has a bad mood and does not want him to play.
Buddy: right
Buddy: no idea how you don't lose it on her
Buddy: I’m mad for you

ME: and then they look at us as being the immature ones...
ME: I think that we are in fact more immature. We still play games in computer, Xbox, etc. We do read comics and peak at some porn sometimes, etc.
ME: But when it comes to REAL responsibility like working and paying bills, or teaching our kids, I think we are the ones who take a stand... they just go with the motion of how it is most convenient for them..."one day they will learn".
Buddy: right
Buddy: dude i know this
ME: I think sometime I will do a rant post. Put it in my blog

Note: I apologize if it sounds sexist. I take that there are couples that the roles are reversed... however on my case (and his); it seems I am the discipliner; she is just trying to enjoy the ride...

New milestone.

So, my son used pacifiers. Mostly to sleep.
He’s been hooked up to it since he was out of the womb!!! Actually all 3 ultrasounds we did, always showed him sucking his thumb.

Well, not anymore.

This last Friday, I asked the wife what she thought of it.
In 2 weeks we will have a new baby. And I thought this would be the last/best opportunity to get rid of it before the new baby is born.
The reason I thought time was perfect, was because this would be the last weekend we would have before things started changing – and fast.
Next weekend will be our last weekend without my mother-in-law (aka the devil).
We will be very busy finishing preparing the house in order to accommodate both babies (adding new cribs, washing newborn clothes, preparing for the hospital, etc), and also we would need as much rest as we can get, so we would rather it not endure 3 nights of hell (until he would get used to be without his pacifier) that close to the birth date.
It is also good to give some time for Kevin to forget about pacifiers, so he wouldn’t steal them from the newborn. :)

I told my wife on Friday night we could use the weekend as the days to try and set this up (friends told me it tkes about 3 days for the baby to forget about the pacifier). This way, even if he would not sleep, we could stay in bed until later those days and recover from a terrible night.
Of course, as the team player my wife is, she did not agree to start on Friday night. So we agreed to put only 1 pacifier in his crib (he usually has 3) and if he looses it or it falls, he would be on his own.
Saturday comes, and I put him to sleep his after-lunch nap without the pacifier. Now the fun thing is: He was not that tired. So, of course, he was not falling asleep right away. What does my wife do? Shows him the pacifier.
I was fucking pissed. I tell her to put it away, she starts telling me “I don’t see the point of…” I cut her right out with “The same point you did not see of letting him cry to learn how to sleep on his own??”. Now she is mad and she leaves the living room.
Comes night time, and I bathe him and put him to sleep (no pacifier). He does not cry at all (he did take a longer time to sleep, as he was half expecting me to give him his pacifier to sleep). I just waited until he was sleepy and put him in the crib). He looked for the pacifier, but didn't have energy to cry about not finding one.
Same for Sunday. I put him to sleep his nap time without it. No cry.
My wife finally gave in and put him to sleep without the pacifier on Sunday Night.

It is funny as only NOW she gets why it is better for him to not be hooked on pacifier.
And as usual, I have to endure not just the step ahead, but also a criticism of her that I just like to see my son suffer for no good reason (she never sees the point of those changes until after the change is done).

No matter what, I am damn proud of my son for taking the change like a man!!! :)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Since when did the world become such a Pussy ??

This is becoming fucking ridiculous.
First this Mohammed cartoon thing.
So no one can post his cartoons because all Arab world becomes angry. That gives them the right to attack embassies around the world, make protests and the world, instead of replying "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" to them, no. they just shut up.

Then the Pope quotes something that portraits Islam with a bad light, and we watch again the Islam countries demand the pope to ask for forgiveness.
People threat the pope's life, but that is also acceptable.

And now, the world watches quietly while Iran gives prices for the best Holocaust cartoon prize.

You know what? Apart from the fact that the Holocaust is supposed to be something so big that it is just bad taste to make jokes about, Islam is just proving they can do whatever THEY want, while anything that they don't like can be retaliated by force, death threats and ridiculous demands of apologies by the same Islam leaders who say Holocaust charges are just an exercise of freedom of speech!

Since when did the world become such a Pussy for Islam???
Until when will we fucking allow any stupid extremists to do or say whatever they want, while we have to measure our words, afraid it might set them off?

I have respect for people of Islam. The ones with a head over their shoulders, the ones who thought me that Islam pledges love. The ones who are also unhappy when a stupid airhead kills himself in the name of whoever brainwashed him into believe that by committing the act of MURDER he will be awarded a reward. The ones who sadly see their fate being used (and abused) by those extremists as an excuse for every despicable hate act they commit.

I have No fucking respect to THOSE people.

So, with all due respect I have for my good Islamic friends, they will understand I don't speak to them when I say this: "FUCK YOU FAKE-ISLAMISTS!"